Monday, April 29, 2024

TAX SEASON DISCIPLINE: Georgia Cane Spanking Disciplinarian NYC, NY

Here we are again.  Tax season has come and gone and you were not prepared.   
Evidently, the thought of taxes sends you to the realms of desperation, delusion and fear. Because, instead of finding deductions, you turn yourself to jelly. However, the transmogrification is useless. Your behavior must change and the smack of my hand, and the slap of my belt on your bare bottom, will send that message from your backside to your brain.
For, it's better to experience the sting of my cane than the agony of the audit.

Warm Bottoms,
Georgia Cane

Boys Learn When Bottoms Burn
and Girls Are No Exception

Friday, November 17, 2023


Since you're here, I can be reasonably sure that you understand the importance of rules and boundaries. As a Disciplinarian, I believe boundaries are the limits to acceptable behavior and protect you from giving in to weakness. Rules go hand in hand with boundaries. They are the specific regulations that must be obeyed to have a predictable outcome.  There is only one reason I allow boundaries and rules to be challenged and that is to stretch the limits of your endurance in order to achieve perfection.

And, if you now have qualms about breaching barriers, then you forgot you once did it all the time. 

When you were a child playing on the swings, you were told to be very careful, yet you always swung higher and higher until fear of falling was the thrill that propelled you.  And you're still the same. You just need a recharge.

Because I agree that 'your effort becomes your capacity' I stretch the perimeters in increments.  This means if your bare bottom is used to ten strokes of the cane, it's given twenty. Thirty lashes of a thick leather belt become forty and prepare for fifty blows of a wood paddle to your sore and crimsome behind to be sixty. In addition, rather than laying over my knee, you may be bent over a bench, told to hold your ankles in a corner, or put on all fours to receive your Spanking.

But now that you've learned to push past your limits, boundaries are a thing of the past as you confidently stride toward achieving perfection.  

Sometimes rules are made to be broken.

Warm Bottoms,

Georgia Cane

Sunday, October 30, 2022


Now I'm certain you've noticed that, at regular intervals, some economic change occurs that's so significant it causes you to rethink all of your strategies.  Geopolitics, government policies, politics, and the natural order of supply and demand are factors beyond your control, and with so many variables involved, nothing is foolproof.  Inevitably, change and its partner natural selection comes to determine who flourishes and who fades, and you will either prepare or be caught with your pants down. It's harder to stay on top than to get there. You must be creative and open to new concepts and with spanking discipline, you will learn to adapt.

As a Disciplinarian, I not only believe in the principles of focus, obedience, and perseverance but also in the benefit of creative intelligence, self-rediscovery, imagination, and innovation.  All of which I skillfully encourage whether they are dormant or not.  

By releasing your creativity you unleash innovation and you will not only remain relevant, but you will also flourish.  But it's not about staying relevant but being involved. 

 Wasn't it not long ago that you indulged in everything from James Brown at the Apollo to  Frank Zappa at the Palladium, from dancing at Mudd Club to eating at Blarney Stone,  or from Prince to Lou Reed. 

You preferred the art scene in the East Village better than in SOHO and liked FUN GALLERY, the basement storefront over on 11th where Basquiat and Keith Haring had their first showing.  You meshed and mingled with people different from yourself you were the better for it  

But now that you're established you've outgrown such things. 
It's only the classics for you. I will spank you for that attitude alone.  

There can be no such thing as an instant classic. There are only artistic works that have stood the test of time. Expand your mind! Remember Van Gogh was never recognized during his entire life nor was John Keats, or for that matter, Johann Sebastian Bach.  

You knew energy and variation were keys to life, and yet you've grown stale. 

Don't worry.  As a Disciplinarian, I will have you restored in short order.

To wipe away the cobwebs and free your mind, your bare bottom is fully exposed and perfectly positioned over a couch, chair, or spanking bench. You feel the burn of the leather belt evenly lash both cheeks, the sting of the rattan cane, and/or hard smack of the wooden hairbrush or leather paddle.

With each precisely aimed thwack, you are given an instruction of two or three words which I will repeat with every blow until your bottom is crimson, soar to the touch and I think you understand. 

It's all to your benefit. 

There will always be forces beyond your control. You need your edge. Spanking discipline that stimulates creativity and promotes innovation is not only practical in times of flux. It's the smartest form of artistry there is. 

Because there is nothing that a well-spanked and nicely-burning bottom can't do.

Warm Bottoms

Georgia Cane


Tuesday, February 8, 2022



We are in chaotic times, and as I'm sure you'll agree it's more difficult than ever,  to find a touchstone for grounding and guidance.  Things changed quickly. One morning you're moving through the familiar frequency of the crowded City and by nightfall, it's deserted. 
Soon vacant stores and shuttered bars sit cheek by jowl like remnants of another era, while the odd restaurant grasping to survive,  is a skeletal version of its former self.  Businesses blindly navigate a current of shifting rules and, prepared or not, you may be required to adjust your life at a moment's notice.  But then, life is a challenge; and not so long ago, people believed that challenges built character and that obstacles were made to conquer. This means that the ethics of discipline were once held in high regard and, in fact, science is proving that facing challenges stimulates cell growth in the brain.  However, as a Disciplinarian, it's come to my attention that certain groups no longer practice ethics or were, perhaps, never taught. That's a pity. And while I refrain from blanket statements, it's clear to me that none are in more need of guidance and Discipline than Millenials and Generation X.    

Somewhere along the line, the discipline ball was dropped and the unfortunate result cannot be denied, 

Long-term studies show that GenX (1965-1980) and Millenials (1981 - 1996) are in worse shape than previous generations at the same age.   This includes anxiety, depression, excess alcohol, and drug abuse as well as high blood pressure, cholesterol,  extra belly fat, obesity (heaven forbid), and substances in the blood that suggest chronic inflammation. All this is due to a sorry state known technically as "Physiological Dysgeneration" and, apparently, it began with the Boomer Generation (1946 - 1964) and worsened from there.  This makes sense. 

Before the advent of television, children relied on their imagination and creativity.  They read books that opened a world of improbable heroes and faraway places while toy soldiers and baby dolls came to life through sheer force of will.   

Parents instilled Discipline in their children to prepare for the unseen times ahead. Determination, self-reliance, focus, and grit were taught as basic tools of survival and a spanking  - when needed - was par for the course. When asked if he ever hit his own children, Dr. Benjamin Spock, the famously misunderstood "Pied Piper of Pemissivism" answered. "Sure" but only on occasion. He went on to explain he didn't think corporal punishment was mandatory, but 'parents to whom it seemed natural need not be ashamed of themselves

But unlike Spock, who never called himself a Disciplinarian,  I do; and that said, I firmly believe in the transformative powers of verbal correction and spanking discipline.  

The sting of a belt on an upturned bare bottom,  the burn of a wooden hairbrush, the bare-handed smacks on a sore and red behind, or even the sharp lash of the rattan cane, delivers a charge that will clear the cobwebs, and strengthen the core of any healthy adult male or female.  Confidence returns and the outlook brightens as you come to understand the Stoic principles of fortitude, resilience, and self-restraint.

For all generations, discipline is the protective shield and the weapon of choice in a time of chaos - and with a nicely burning bottom to boot. 

Warm Bottoms,

Georgia Cane


Monday, September 16, 2019


As a Disciplinarian, it's not uncommon for me to answer questions about spanking procedures or various techniques, but recently, 
ALL THINGS SPANKING asked a slightly different question and now I'm sharing my answer here with you. 


Many people fantasize about being spanked to tears, yet that is often difficult to achieve.  You have confessed some success in causing tears. Do you just spank hard until it happens?  Is there a secret? 


I've found that tears result from the connection you make to the person receiving discipline and more of an energy exchange than a power or role reversal. 

It's a keyed-in  - detached - intuitive "read"  which reaches the spot that makes you cry.  It could be only a word or they may not be aware of just why they're in tears. We're in the subconscious and some almost left forgetting their shoes. 

Spanking discipline is one thing, but you can be disciplined without being spanked.

I seriously doubt most grown men can be spanked to tears. They're taught early-on that "boys don't cry.  No matter  how much they crave catharsis,  the harder you spank them, the tougher they get ; and a tear or two shed from pain is not sufficient.  

It's not brutality.  It's instinct   

Take, for example, the mother who can look at her child, tell he has misbehaved and scold him to tears without a spanking. 

Her intensity and intuition are enough to make him cry.  The spanking comes next.  

So connection and intuition trigger tears and spanking adds to that.  

And the same is true for punishment spanking which is punitive and executed in silence.         

Warm Bottoms,
Georgia Cane

Wednesday, February 27, 2019


As a Disciplinarian, I've answered nearly every conceivable question concerning adult spanking discipline.  But "ALL THINGS SPANKING" has a question of its own.

The Interview:

Georgia Cane is New York City Disciplinarian who has a strong appearance and equally powerful demeanor. She's been a friend of "All Things Spanking" for quite some time, and we occasionally draw upon her advice.  Recently she answered a question we posed and I thought it would be good to share here.

ATS: You recently appeared in a BuzzFeed video related to the use of consensual, adult spanking and how its practice has grown.  In the video, you look like the quintessential 1950's  Mom ready to "counsel" her family.  The individuals spanked remained clothed - leggings or jeans as I recall - and that is how you dealt with them.  Is that how you normally practice in this thing we do?

Georgia Cane: That was all Buzzfeed's idea; sort of the Disney version spanking discipline.
I'm not that vanilla and, to be honest, I was surprised they contacted me.

I think we all know that adult discipline is kink, but their focus was on how spanking changes behavior and, since my sites address this, they asked for an interview.
Then the day before we were scheduled to meet, they informed me that two female producers requested a spanking - on video.

I had concerns.

Now, because it's Buzzfeed, I'm wearing the most vanilla thing I own to spank two arrogant women in bicycle shorts. But discipline is discipline; so I made them fear me a little, gave them orders then smacked their bottoms, repeatedly, for emphasis. Apparently, it worked.
However, real sessions look nothing like that.

I'm tall (5'11"), a size 4-6 and I prefer black form-fitting dresses, stockings, and heels.  My clients might be spanked locked over my knee with only their bare bottoms exposed or bent, fully naked on a kneeling bench and whipped with a leather belt, tawse, cane or perhaps all three.  Sometimes, I don't use words except to give orders and count the number of lashes to the bare bottom.  Other times, my words alone make them cry.

The goal is to reach your catharsis by whatever works best.

And by the way: I've never called it 'therapy'.

Warm Bottoms,
Georgia Cane

Georgia Cane Spanking Disciplinarian

*Mitch Philbin
*February 16, 2019

Wednesday, October 3, 2018



 So here it is.

She thinks that you're a shameless flirt and he feels you're insecure.  She believes that you're ignoring her and he sees you as a diva.  He's weary of your constant nit-picking and her of wet towels on the bathroom floor.  She'd like you home for dinner more but you're always working late. And now he's at the computer until very late at night while you're in bed texting a Facebook friend you used to date in high school.  There is trouble brewing and action required.  Couple's counselors make you ask your partner how it makes them feel when you do this or that.  But the truth is, you already know how it makes them feel, which is the reason you do it, to begin with.  I suggest then instead of this pretense, that you air your grievances to a mature, impartial female authority; one who will listen carefully, judge fairly and then deliver a strict, no-nonsense, bare bottom spanking equally to you both.

Because neither party is blameless. The two of you are bored, willful, selfish, stubborn and I believe that you should receive your punishment side by side with one witnessing the other.

For his wandering eye,  you enjoy watching him wince as she grips a heavy tawse and counts the forty blows that are welting his exposed bare bottom.  And, for your incessant nagging and massive insecurity, he's pleased with the spectacle of your upturned bare bottom as it's striped by a slender rattan cane.

Then kneeling on all fours, face to face, you receive twenty blows of a thick leather paddle, alternating between first her bruised cheeks and then your own.

The air is cleared, the tears are shed and two bottoms are smartly smacked.  Now you can view one another with appreciative eyes and promise to be nice.  But don't forget.  If this conduct begins again, a pair of bare bottoms, well spanked, await you in the very near future.  Then again, what could be warmer than that?

Warm Bottoms,
Georgia Cane

NYC Spanking Disciplinarian