Thursday, November 19, 2015


Your weight is, once again, out of control. Perhaps it's not your lack of dieting that's at issue but, rather, your lack of diligence. Because, as a Disciplinarian I know that without discipline, diets don't work. 

Like it or not, losing weight - and keeping it off - are the result of both regimented exercise and no-nonsense eating habits.  No short cuts and  should you, somehow, manage to the loose weight without applying these two disciplines, then surely, it will find you again.

There are, of course,  other  methods at attempting weight control.  You may tether yourself to a  calorie counter,  while living in fear and contemplation of every morsel that nears your mouth. 

Or to be the disappointing dinner guest at Palm One who orders the vegetable salad with a wedge of lemon. 

  Both efforts, while sufficiently tiresome,  are not quite  sustainable.  Soon, between restriction and anxiety, you'll begin obsessing on the things you cannot have ; 

                             and indulge as never before.

 Commitment, however essential, is never enough. When one continually fails to exercise self discipline, then discipline must be administered and it's my belief that a mature woman, of strict authority, is best suited  to the task.   She'll reward when deserved, but punish when required  - severely if necessary - then take the reigns, guide and train until self-discipline is properly learned.    

                     Effort is less impressive than result. For the most part, hand holding weight loss groups while comforting,  pursue goals that, if achieved, rarely last. 

I believe in getting results or I'll know the reason why and that means consequences (good and bad) are important.  For example, an old fashioned, hard, bottom burning spanking on a willfully indulgent,  deliberately disobedient young lady is paramount for her behavioral correction.  Each and every smack of the hairbrush, sting of the belt and smack of the bare hand to her bare bottom  will deter further disobedience and teach her to follow instructions and stay on course.

After her bottom is reddened, sore to the touch so that she is unable to comfortably sit for several days afterward, she'll lose her desire sweets 

and gain a new appreciation for discipline.   
Because groups and gadgets cannot provide discipline and without  discipline, diets don't work.



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